You all got to see the baby chickens when they came home and when they were settled in their brooder. You got to see them when they graduated to the big chicken pen. And now, you get to see them all grown up. The hens are now laying and the one rooster we kept has grown into a handsome fellow. We kept him because he has a low voice that he rarely uses, he is easy on his hens and protective of them while being a gentleman with us. He is the reigning (and only) King.
Here is King Amos
Amos with his hens
The hens, all grown up
Amos, flapping his wings and crowing his superiority
And as fall comes on, some pics of our two milk does
Beyond Goats Ariel Star, we call her Lil'Miss
Helping my youngest up onto a spool
sticking her tongue out
Crossroad's End Lady Antebellum. We call her Bella and sometimes Lady A
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