(I took this picture on my way out to do chores one morning)
As if in mockery of our spring time plans and our yearning for warm sunshine and soft south breezes, mother nature decided to coat us in a layer of ice and then layer us in snow. The temps will be in the single digits tonight and morning feed will be very, very cold. I suppose one could say that if we didn't have the critters then we could lay about in our warm beds. And yet the only thing that will keep morning chores from being miserable is the fact that will be in the company of our critters. I would rather be out in the cold taking care of them than laying about in a warm bed. Those that would rather have the warm bed just don't know what they are missing. I would wager a good amount that I am much happier out breaking ice out of buckets than my neighbor is out scraping his windshield.
Warm or cold, a morning just isn't a morning without goat kisses and happy hens.
Oat Bucket Farm Website